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Perfect Welding

¡Viva el automóvil!

It is the 15th biggest economy in the world and the 2nd biggest in Latin America. It is a subtropical paradise and the ancient realm of the Aztecs. Mexico is an emerging industrial region. The country’s ideal geographical location and its free trade agreements with important sales markets make Mexico an attractive place to build a manufacturing facility, including for companies in the automotive industry. For these reasons, Fronius has had a subsidiary in the country since 2007.

Guajardo has been the head of the Fronius subsidiary in Monterrey, a city in the north-eastern state of Nuevo León, since 2014. The city is an important industrial center and many automotive companies have invested in the region. “The automotive industry is the most important sector for Fronius in Mexico. We work with a number of plants operated by OEMs and TIER 1 suppliers. For example, we have worked together on major projects with Metalsa and Magna.“


Customer support and service are also of crucial importance to Mexican companies. The demand for data documentation solutions and more efficient manufacturing processes is high. “Factories in Mexico are continually developing. Manual welding still dominates the market, but companies are increasingly looking for faster and more efficient manufacturing processes. Automated and robot systems are becoming more popular. For that reason, digital solutions, knowledge sharing, services, and customer support are incredibly important”, explains the Fronius Mexico Managing Director.


» When I think of Mexico, I think of a creative, hard-working, happy people. Mexico is a developing country with an educated and creatively enthusiastic population. This combination opens up an unbelievable amount of opportunities. «

Fidel Guajardo, General Manager, Fronius Mexico

Knowledge of the local market and a reputation as a reliable supplier of premium products has allowed Fronius to become successful in Mexico. Since the subsidiary was established, the team has grown from six to more than one hundred employees. The headquarters in Monterrey were expanded to include five sales and service units – two teams provide support for the Fronius headquarters in Monterrey, one team serves the important metropolitan area of Mexico City, and the remaining teams operate in the emerging industrial areas around Puebla and San Luis Potosí. Fidel Guajardo is already looking to the future when it comes to expanding the service network. “At the moment, we also have employees in the growing industrial areas of Hermosillo and Chihuahua providing support in those localities. Depending on the development of these regions, we plan to establish sales and service sites in these areas in the coming years.”


Fronius Mexico is not just expanding its reach in a geographical sense – the company is also planning to widen the range of sectors it is active in. “Until now, we have focused almost exclusively on the automotive and construction machinery industries. However, we have identified a significant amount of potential in the metalworking industry, the construction sector, commercial transport, and the production of construction machinery. We are looking to gain ground in these sectors.” However, Fidel Guajardo believes that the automotive industry will remain the most important sector in the Mexican market. Establishing a distributor network will also make Fronius manual welding systems more accessible for end customers – even across the border in El Salvador and Honduras.